New High Energy transmission target with internal cooling
X-RAY WorX has developed an innovative internal cooling for the High Energy transmission target of its microfocus X-ray tubes of the product line THE PLUS. The related target power of 50 Watt makes them a perfect solution for high resolution computed tomography (CT) and laminography.
Featuring 50 watt target power, microfocus transmission tubes of the product line THE PLUS currently provide the highest target power in the market. So far, the minimum focus-object-distance (FOD) for these tubes has been approximately 2.0 mm. Applying the new High Energy transmission target with internal cooling, the FOD could be reduced to 0.3 mm. Consequently, a magnification of more than 3000 can be achieved (given a distance between tube and detector of more than 90 cm). This results in the highest resolution of minute details, which is required particularly for computed tomography and laminography applications.
Additionally maintenance of the transmission target has been simplified significantly. Rotation and re-placement of the target does not require removal of the cooling element, which reduces maintenance requirements. The current position of the target is clearly visible on a circular scale and well reproducible by a mechanical guidance. Furthermore additional apertures and filters may be easily mounted directly in front of the target.
The new advancement applys to all microfocus transmission tubes of the product line THE Plus, which are available with 160 kV, 190 kV, 225 kV, and 240 kV.

The farther the object is away from the focal spot (the larger the value of FOD), the less magnification there is.