X-RAY WorX improves the flexibility of its microfocus reflection tubes to meet the increasing demands for fast computed tomography in various industries. With an optimized target design and internal cooling, the new CT Plus product line enables continuous scanning at highest performance and voltages up to 300 kV.
The new open microfocus tubes cover a much wider range of operating settings than comparable products. The achievable focal spot sizes between 10 and 450 micrometers are automatically adjusted based on the emission power of up to 500 W and a voltage of up to 300 kV. Detailed information on the focal spot sizes as a function of voltage and target power can be found in the new technical data sheet.
The CT Plus tubes are designed for continuous operation without planned cooling times. The new design of the tube head with internal cooling ensures that the process heat is dissipated evenly and internal components are effectively protected. A new Peltier cooler is used to keep the temperature of the tube head stable during operation. The newly designed reflection target provides a nearly round focal spot and shows a reduced heel effect compared to standard reflection targets.
The X-ray tubes of our new CT Plus product line are available with rated voltages of 225 kV, 240 kV and 300 kV. If you want to know more about.

X-RAY WorX Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-300-CT Plus

Estimated focal spot sizes based on measurements according to EN 12543-5.