Press releases
New sales and service partners in India, Italy, Poland, and Romania
X-RAY WorX proudly announces that the global network for sales and service has been significantly extended in the last 12 months. New experienced partners in India, Italy, Poland, and Romania are offering local support and consultancy for a wide range of X-RAY WorX...
X-RAY WorX exhibits solution for aerospace testing
In an inspiring atmosphere, experts and equipment suppliers discussed about new challenges and procedures of NDT in aerospace industry. In cooperation with DÜRR NDT, X-RAY WorX presented the microfocus rod anode tube XWT-160-RAC and the CR scanner HD-CR 35 NDT as a...
X-RAY WorX launches first 300 kV high power transmission tube
To support the growing demand for high resolution X-ray sources in three-dimensional production testing and dimensional measurement, X-RAY WorX launches the first high power transmission tube with 300 kV acceleration voltage and 50 Watt target power. The new high...
Micro resolution chart for CT – JIMA RT CT-01 available from X-RAY WorX
As of now, customers can order the new JIMA resolution test chart RT CT-01 of Japan Inspection Instruments Manufacturers' Association from X-RAY WorX. The new test chart is recommended for validating the performance of microfocus computed tomography (CT) systems...
X-RAY WorX introduces 300 kV microfocus X-ray tube
Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-300-SEX-RAY WorX, the specialist for high resolution X-ray tubes, introduces its newly developed 300 kV microfocus tube with reflection target. The new tube was developed especially for the operation in systems for computed tomography and...
X-RAY WorX grows for the fourth year in row
Just four years in the market, X-RAY WorX can already look back on an exciting and successful corporate development. For the fourth time, the company now increased its profits – in 2013 by 15%. Managing Director Holger Behnsen explains the success of X-RAY WorX as...
X-RAY WorX achieves certification according to the French standard specification NF C 74-100 for their X-ray tubes XWT-160-THE and XWT-225-SE
All X-ray systems that are installed and operated in France must be approved by the ASN (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire, engl.: Nuclear Safety Authority). On behalf of the French Government the ASN supervises the technical safety of irradiation devices and monitors the...
New “High Resolution Diamond Target” improves long-term stability and accelerates CT-scans
High Resolution Diamond TargetThe new High Resolution Diamond Target for microfocus transmission tubes accelerates computed tomography applications significantly and increases long-term stability of radiation. Long-term stability of radiation, which is achieved by an...
Innovative internal cooling for submicron-resolution X-ray tubes reduces movement of focal spot position by more than 90%
Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-160-TCNFX-RAY WorX has developed an innovative internal cooling for microfocus transmission tubes of the new product line TCNF. The new technology reduces the movement of the focal spot by more than 90% compared to the previously used...
New target cooling improves results of high resolution computed tomograph
New High Energy transmission target with internal coolingX-RAY WorX has developed an innovative internal cooling for the High Energy transmission target of its microfocus X-ray tubes of the product line THE PLUS. The related target power of 50 Watt makes them a...